Surge protective devices stop sensitive LED technology from being damaged. They prevent costly outages, time-consuming repair work and expensive replacement of the luminaires.
Despite their many advantages, LED lights are more susceptible to surges and a lot more expensive to replace than conventional luminaires. Pointless expense which can easily be avoided.
Surge protection for LED lighting
Damage due to surges
Not only direct lightning strikes lead to damage, often it is indirect lightning that causes overvoltages exceeding the immunity of sensitive LED luminaires many times over.
Overvoltage damage usually occurs in the form of partial or complete failure of the LED modules, destruction of the LED drivers, loss of brightness or failure of the entire control electronics. Even if the luminaire continues to function, surges usually have a negative influence on its service life.
Protective devices prevent failure
Act now and protect your expensive LED technology
LED street lights
Surge protection concept
Flyer DS 253
Combined arrester
Brochure DS 193
Type 2 surge arrester
Flyer DS 228
DEHN protects
Fuse boxes
Reference Langmatz REF 026
Outdoor lighting
LED protection
White paper WPX008
DEHN protects
Smart Grids
Brochure DS 243
Safety for modern buildings
Lightning and surge protection
Brochure DS 225
DEHNcord 3P
Type 2 and Type 3 surge arrester
Brochure DS 679