Surge protection for power supply systems (Red/Line)
Brochures, flyers:
ACI Technology
Brochure DS 297
DEHNshield for the protection of residential buildings
Brochure DS 193
DEHNdetect - Lightning current measuring system for detecting lightning events
Brochure DS 275
DEHNshield - Universal solution for electromobility
Brochure DS 199
DEHNrecord Alert - Efficient servicing thanks to status reports of the SPDs
Brochure DS 283
DEHNguard M YPV ... FM - Type 2 arrester for photovoltaic systems
Brochure DS 277
DEHNcord R 3P - Type 2 arrester for electric shadings
Brochure DS 276
DEHNguard SE H 1000 VA - Type 2 arrester for voltages up to 1000 V
Brochure DS 268
DEHNshield: Application-optimised Combined Arrester
Brochure DS 193
More space in the switchgear cabinet - arresters with backup fuse
Brochure DS 196
DEHNguard SE H LI - Type 2 Arrester with Lifetime Indication (LI)
Brochure DS 227
DEHNbloc Maxi CI - Type 1 lightning current arrester without additional backup fuse
Brochure DS 247
DEHNguard SE DC - Type 2 arrester for direct current applications
Brochure DS 237
DEHNcord - flexible and space-saving surge arrester type 2
Brochure DS 228
DEHNcombo YPV SCI, Type 1 + type 2 combined arrester with SCI technology
Brochure DS 218
DEHNsecure protects Direct Current Applications
Brochure DS 187
DEHNguard PCB Single-pole base parts
Brochure DS 200
DEHN protects medium voltage systems
Brochure DS 125
DEHNguard ME DC Y 950 FM
Flyer DS 302